Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Up until 2009, I had only flown maybe twice before, and never by myself. This year alone I have flown four separate times including this trip. But this is the first time I am flying for a purpose other than pleasure or vacation. When my plane was close to landing, we were flying along the coast and I had a great view of the Atlantic Ocean, and the layout of coastal line of South Carolina. It had me asking… “What was it like here 300 years ago?” I asked this because I’ve always thought about what life was like hundreds of years ago, but because this is a new region for me and I know very little about the culture that exists here today, the culture that existed 300 years ago was even more interesting to me. Yes I know that South Carolina itself imported a high number of slaves. Cotton, Rice and Tobacco were the big money makers for plantation owners. But what was the average day like for a plantation owner? Was it different for them than it was for Mississippi plantation owners? How was the daily life for slaves? Was it different being by the Ocean than it was for Slaves who never had the chance to see the Ocean, such as in Georgia or Alabama? Did slaves ever try to escape by swimming in the Ocean? Did they know that where they came from was on the other side? I can’t even imagine. Fortunately, I just realized I’m not as ignorant about South Carolinas history and culture as I originally thought, as a student in my Senior Thesis group is writing about Slavery in South Carolina and more specifically Charleston….weird. Part of the reason why I’m writing about my Senior Thesis topic, is because of this mini-term, strange.

My plane touched down in Charleston, South Carolina at 10:45am. 50 minutes before the ETA. Not knowing what to expect I got off the plane and immediately headed for the baggage claim. While waiting for my luggage I decided to send out a quick mass text to get a feel for what time my classmates would be arriving as I had received a text from my professors saying their plane was delayed and that they wouldn’t be getting in until after our expected meeting time. To my surprise, a classmate had just landed so I decided to wait for him and we would grab a taxi to the hotel together. Driving through Charleston the first thing I noticed was the architecture. After taking a term of Art History at Union and living with my mother for the last 21 years, architecture has become some what of an interest of mine. The architecture in Charleston is much different than that of northern cities. There are so many differences between here and back home, yet many of the familiarities are here…McDonalds, Ben and Jerry’s, Aeropastle, Banana Republic, Apple. I know we didn’t leave the country, but still, is this country that universal when it comes to shopping.

The reason we are starting out in Charleston, South Carolina is not because it was the scene of important Civil Rights happenings, rather it is the beginning. Part of what I have learned from working on my Senior Thesis, is in order to understand a certain time period, you have to understand its beginning. This is true with our mini term. To understand why the Civil Rights movement took place, we have to know why African American were in this country in the first place, how they were treated, the living conditions, the construction of race, race relations, so much was involved in the Civil Rights movement that we cannot possibly cover it all in 8 classes, or 18 weeks traveling the south, however starting with beginning will help set us up to better understand what we do come across. Let’s see where this takes us!

By the way: Charleston is a beautiful city. A group of us took a long 5 mile stroll around a part of the city and saw some amazingly beautiful, and HUUUUGE (thank you Billy Fucillo) houses (I'll upload pictures later). My roommate James looked up some of the prices that houses go for around here...lets just say that there were more 7 figure prices than 6. But it really is cool to walk around and look at the architecture and just imagine what it must be like to live in those homes. The weather is nice, when I landed it was t-shirt and shorts weather. By the time the sun started to set it started to cool down, but it's still much warmer than Schenectady!!!!!


This trip is going to be the experience of a lifetime. When I try to explain to people what it is they typically don't understand. They think its a class, or a road trip. It's not...this really is an adventure...learning hands on. Seeing the places where major historical events took place, having the opportunity to put myself in the shoes of those who sacrificed so much to help bring about change. To be on a bus for a 6+ hour trip, (although the buses are much better today, and we have cell phones....and ipods...and laptops...and movies....wow I'm looking forward to the traveling...and there is no threat of violence against us...hopefully) but just, just doing this...how many people in the world can say they've done what we're about to do. We're pioneers, just as many in the Civil Rights movement were. And in no way am I comparing our trip/vacation to what Civil Rights Activists had to endure, I'm just merely making connections.

I'm going to try to add posts everyday, feel free to leave comments, ask questions, or just...read this. If you want to contact me personally feel free to email me: aray7254@gmail.com.


1 comment:

  1. Have fun!!!!!!!!! I know you're going to take a lot of pictures....but dont live behind your camera paparazzi
